Would you be able to provide Hair and Makeup Services too?
Yes, Hair and Makeup (HMU) Services are add-ons, which you can include as part of your package. We work with a team of Professional HMU artists to ensure no matter how big your group, we’ll be able to handle your request.
Is Retouching inclusive in your packages?
Typically, yes. We deliver up to 1-2 lightly retouched images for each portrait sitter. The exact deliverable depends on budget.
However, clients sometimes prefer having more options as they find 1-2 images too little. In this case, we’ll offer up to 5 images per portrait sitter with just Basic Editing.
For difference between Light Retouching and Basic Editing, see below.
What is the difference between Light Retouching and Basic Editing
Basic Editing includes only global adjustments to Brightness, Contrast, White Balance, Cropping, Highlights and Shadows.
Light Retouching includes all of the above plus removal of stray hair, pimples and reflections in glasses, as well as teeth whitening and some amount of skin smoothening.
Anything request beyond these (e.g.: removal of double chins, reshaping of facial features) is considered Heavy Retouching and will be handled by a Professional Retoucher at an additional cost.
Do you only do shoots in offices?
Based on our experience photographing for countless corporations, clients usually prefer for us to set up at their office as it’s the most convenient and efficient way for them.
In some cases, where a larger group portrait needs to be taken, we may suggest shooting at a photo studio instead.
However, there are some rare instances where clients request to do the shoot outdoors or at a private venue (e.g.: private club or a bar). Those are ok too but additional venue fees / location fees will be charged by the venue and they usually don’t come cheap. For outdoor shoots, do note the usual cancellation fees apply even in the situation of inclement weather.
We strongly advise to make the best of your office space or do the shoot in a studio.
What should I tell the team to wear for their photoshoot?
Here is a general guide on what to prepare prior to the shoot. If in doubt, check with your Communications team on your company’s Corporate Identity (CI) guidelines. If there are no strict CI guidelines (e.g. for some Startups), we encourage everyone to dress according to what makes them feel most comfortable in bringing out their unique identity.
How long does it take for us to receive our images?
Peak (Mar/Apr, Jun/Jul, Sept-Dec) - Up to 3 weeks
Non-Peak (All other months) - Up to 2 weeks
Of course, we always endeavour to deliver the photos as early as we can. Some clients have received their photos within a week or even the next day. It all depends on the Retouching team’s bandwidth. If you’ve a special request, let us know and we’ll definitely try our best to accommodate.
Why do you need to know our budget?
Understanding your budget helps us help you stretch your dollar. It also help to shorten the back and forth over e-mail so we can focus more on the actual deliverables – the Photoshoot.
There has been instances where clients find out only after lengthy e-mail exchanges that they could have afforded adding on hair & makeup services or more portrait sitters within their budget.
On the flip side, there have also been cases where a client’s budget doesn’t fully accommodate our photographers’ fees. Knowing your budget can help us quickly provide alternative solutions or suggestions around the shoot time/deliverables whilst still achieving your goals.
At the end of the day, we’re looking for a long-term partnership with your firm and that starts with us maximising value for you whilst running a business sustainably.